Supporting your health and wellness journey

Summer Health & Harmony 



Finding Balance 

A Guide to Health and Harmony through Chinese Medicine

In the philosophy of Chinese Medicine, summer is a time of abundant energy, growth, and outward expression. It is a season that invites us to align with nature’s rhythms and harness the warming energy of the sun to nourish our body, mind, and spirit. 

The Element of Summer: Fire

In Chinese Medicine, summer is associated with the Fire element, which governs the heart and the small intestine. Fire symbolizes warmth, joy, and enthusiasm, and it is crucial to maintain balance within this element to foster emotional well-being and physical health. The Fire element is also linked to the spirit (Shen), which manifests as our mental activity and consciousness.

Embracing Joy and Connection

Summer is the season to cultivate joy and social connections. Engage in activities that bring you happiness and allow you to connect with others. This could be as simple as spending time with friends and family, participating in community events, or enjoying outdoor activities. Laughter and joy are seen as essential for nourishing the heart and maintaining emotional health.

Balancing the Heart

To support the heart during summer, it is important to focus on both physical and emotional health. Practices such as Tai Chi and Qigong can help regulate the heart’s energy and improve circulation. Meditation and mindfulness practices are also beneficial for calming the mind and harmonizing the Shen.

Dietary Harmony

In the heat of summer, our bodies crave cooling and hydrating foods. According to Chinese Medicine, the diet should be light and yin-nourishing to balance the yang energy of the season. Here are some dietary tips to keep in mind:

  • Incorporate Cooling Foods: Include foods with cooling properties such as cucumbers, watermelon, mint, and leafy greens. These help to clear heat and hydrate the body.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water and herbal teas to stay hydrated. Chrysanthemum tea and mint tea are excellent choices for their cooling and calming effects.
  • Moderate Spicy Foods: While a little spice can help promote circulation, too much heat can exacerbate the body’s internal heat, leading to imbalances.
  • Favor Light, Fresh Foods: Opt for light meals with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Avoid heavy, greasy foods that can burden the digestive system.

Seasonal Self-Care Practices

  • Embrace the Sun: Spend time outdoors, soaking in the sunlight, but protect your skin with natural sunscreens and wear appropriate clothing to avoid excessive exposure.
  • Stay Cool: Use cooling methods such as fans, cold showers, or air conditioning to maintain a comfortable body temperature.
  • Rest and Recharge: Despite the high energy of summer, ensure you get adequate rest. Balance activity with relaxation to prevent burnout.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Engage in daily mindfulness or meditation practices to centre yourself and maintain emotional equilibrium.

Stay balanced, stay healthy, and enjoy the sunshine.

Struggling to find balance?  Acupuncture is a great starting point!

Two females in sunset

Available Therapies

Our approach is based on the most current results in science and research to deliver reliable outcomes. We focus on each client's unique requirements while optimising comfort and relaxation. Each therapy is tailored to meet your unique health and wellbeing objectives. We work alongside your GP and consultants advice.


Natural Pain Relief

Welcome to uninterrupted space and time to discuss your health concerns with your acupuncturist.

Unwind on a comfortable massage table.

Ultra fine needles will be expertly placed to focus your body on healing and to strengthen your mind-body relationship.

Then it's quiet time for you to recharge in order to alleviate dysfunction, pain, and injury, lower stress and advance overall health and wellness.

Cupping & Massage

Gentle Effective Release

Whether you have a specific medical issue or are just seeking stress relief, massage can be a potent tool to help you take control of your health and well-being.

Lowering tension and boosting relaxation

Lowering discomfort, and stiffness in the muscles, blood pressure and heart rate

Enhancing blood flow, vitality, and awareness and immunological response

Diet & Lifestyle

Food is Medicine

As part of your consultation you will be supported with diet and lifestyle advice.

We can also recommend Su Wen herbal supplements if appropriate

A referral to an Advanced Herbal Practitioner can also be arrange if required

Highly Qualified

British Acupuncture Council Member.

Professional Standards Authority registered.

Wakefield Council Authority approved premises.

BSc Hons degree trained.

Continuing professional development.

Affordable & Accessible

Consultation & treatment from £40

Wheelchair accessible premises & treatment couch.

Equality Diversity & Inclusion health trained.

Safe space to discuss your health concerns.


Clinic Hours

Strictly by Appointment

Tuesday- Fri 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday 11:00 am - 15:00 pm

Need to know more? CALL or TEXT +447427633446 to arrange a 15 min free consultation

Female Health

Painful Periods | Endometriosis |   PCOS | Hot Flushes | Insomnia | IBS | Sports Injury | Repetitive Strain

Pain Management

Joint Pain | Muscle Pain | Migraine | IBS | Fibromyalgia | Chronic Pain

Male Health

Stress Management | Sports Injury | Repetitive Strain | Recovery | Fertility | Anxiety | IBS

Natural Fertility Support

Unexplained Fertility Support

Stress Management

Tension Headaches | Anxiety | Insomnia | IBS | Mood Balance

Health & Balance

MS | Mood Balance | Energy Management | Health Optimization | FND | Stroke Recovery | Post Viral Fatigue

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