Our Services

Holistic Health Naturally

High quality, natural and effective treatments to support your health and wellness journey. 

Acupuncture | Electro-acupuncture | Therapeutic Massage | Cupping Therapy | Moxibustion | Diet & Lifestyle

Consultation Fees

Acupuncture & Electro-acupuncture

Welcome to uninterrupted space and time to discuss your health concerns with your acupuncturist.

Unwind on a comfortable massage table.

Ultra fine needles will be expertly placed to focus your body on healing and to strengthen your mind-body relationship.

Then it's quiet time for you to recharge in order to alleviate dysfunction, pain, and injury, lower stress and advance overall health and wellness.

Therapeutic Massage & Cupping 

Whether you have a specific medical issue or are just seeking stress relief, massage can be a potent tool to help you take control of your health and well-being.

Lowering tension and boosting relaxation

Lowering discomfort, and stiffness in the muscles, blood pressure and heart rate

Enhancing blood flow, vitality, and awareness and immunological response

Herbal Supplements Diet & Lifestyle

As part of your consultation you will be supported with diet and lifestyle advice.

We can also recommend Su Wen herbal supplements if appropriate

A referral to an Advanced Herbal Practitioner can also be arrange if required

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